We are glad to announce that Wachemo University has been doing a cherish able service to the Ethiopian society by undertaking Ethiopian Languages Documentation and Revitalization mainly focusing on endangered languages. Ethiopia enjoys great ancestral languages and cultures which were flourishing in yester years and now the Wachemo University strives to preserve this legacy by doing cultural yeoman service to the country.

Language Documentation and Revitalization is part of a larger attempt by indigenous people to retain their cultural strengths in the face of the demoralizing assaults of an all-pervasive modern, individualistic, materialistic, and hedonistic technological culture. Indigenous language teachers and activists play a pivotal role to save their languages and cultures from the clutches of such assaults.

We are glad to announce that with a view to strengthening the unity of our country, we shall be offering series of online courses “Learn Ethiopian Languages – Speak with the hearts of Ethiopians” to enable the people of this country and foreigners to learn any Ethiopian language other than their mother tongue through the medium of English and Amharic. These online courses will be prepared under the able guidance of the well-known language Experts and linguists of the language concerned.

We hope this nobel attempt will bring together the people, who are living in various parts of our country, promoting mutual understanding and fostering national unity. We are proud to declare that the ETHIOPIA is the first country in the WORLD to offer free online courses on all its country languages on a single platform.


To keep alive all Ethiopian Languages and Cultures through   Trilingual self-study guide books, Online courses, Mobile   applications and Audio CDs.

To break down the language barriers among various nations and   nationalities of Ethiopia.

To establish a better understanding of cultural practices among   various nations and nationalities of Ethiopia.

To establish further communication between Ethiopia and the rest of the world.

To prevent the extinction of Ethiopian Languages and Cultures.

To promote the unity in diversity in the land of Ethiopia.